How dawatech is Helping Pharmacies during the Pandemic


Before the outburst of COVID-19 in early 2020, most pharmacy owners thought they were doing well in managing their pharmacy and inventory. Nevertheless, the pandemic came as a tipping point, a tough test that made all of us think twice about how we run the business.

It is hard to maintain control during such times of uncertainty. Supply shortages were taking place and people were not able to  find certain medications and hygiene products. It was a nightmare for people and pharmacists alike, which raises questions and concerns that need to be addressed immediately. Managing pharmacies in a traditional way had manifested its shortcoming. 

It can cause a serious loss to your business! 

Ahead, we will show you how dawatech is helping  pharmacists and pharmacy owners provide better management and customer service in these times of hardship.

What is dawatech?

dawatech is  a cloud-based and fully integrated ERP pharmacy management software. It helps its users improve their inventory and staff management, increase sales, and get a comprehensive overview of their business performance.

It is developed by pharmacists to help fellow pharmacists through powerful features, such as a smart point of sale (POS) , inventory management, reporting tools, and more.

Faster Payment Transactions

We have been ordered by the government to keep our distance and avoid crowded places during the pandemic. However, it is difficult for some pharmacies that use traditional payment models to avoid this in peak times. For the reason that pharmacies  are still using slow processing POS softwares to calculate the prices of their items;  this leads to more people lining up which  is unsafe  and highly infectious.

To prevent this, dawatech provides a fast and efficient point of sale system that increases the payment process. This scanning technology helps you provide quick customer service with fewer calculation errors. Furthermore, dawatech allows you to take payments in different forms; credit card, debit card, or cash.

Accurate Inventory Management

Manually managing your pharmacy inventory can be a burden on pharmacists, let alone the volume of human errors that can occur during the process. It is limiting as it prevents your staff from focusing on real patient care and customer service. Additionally, poor inventory management can lead to stock-outs in critical times when your patients most need certain stocks.

During the pandemic, we have seen pharmacies run out of essential medications and hygiene products which led to panic between patients.

Organizing your inventory should be easier than this and it should bring you the profit you need. 

dawatech is your solution for inadequate inventory and stocking. It gives you full control over your pharmacy from a single system. You can easily meet the patients’ demands without having unnecessary surpluses.

Moreover, the system can establish a balance between demand and inventory to prevent overstocking or understocking. It allows you to predict and track incoming shipments. You can also generate detailed reports about your inventory to help you gain an overview of what your business needs.

Instant Communication between with Your Suppliers

An accurate supply chain is important for all pharmacies to avoid any delays. Pharmacists want to ensure that medications and pharmaceutical products are delivered at the right time, in the right quantity. With the growing network of pharmacies, suppliers might not be dynamic in distributing stocks to pharmacy branches. 

dawatech is here to change this; you can now ensure instant communication with your drug suppliers to ensure you get the orders without delays to the right branch.

It’s time to reinforce your control over your pharmacy business with dawatech
, request a demo today!


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