Pharmacy performance management is not an easy role, and its success is not guaranteed. So, every pharmacy owner should focus on giving as much time as possible for its management in order to improve and develop its performance continuously.
Development Mechanisms
There are a lot of mechanisms and steps that a pharmacist should follow to manage his pharmacy effectively:
1 - Efficiency of pharmacy services
The availability of pharmacy services helps to attract customers, increase sales, and raise the value of the pharmacy. Among the most important of these services is the service of measuring weight, measuring length, measuring pressure, and analyzing the level of blood sugar.
A special number for patients’ inquiries should be provided, in addition to submitting complaints.
One of the most comparative features that make some pharmacies stand out of the crowd is working around the clock (24/7), in addition to the services of wounds’ dressing.
2 - Special Offers
You can offer special offers, like a special small bag for traveling including medical and first-aid supplies for those who intend to travel for Haj or long-distant traveling.
3 - Delivery and Medical Formulations
The pharmacy should provide delivery service to homes around the clock 24/7, in addition to making the required medical formulations and delivering it after receiving it through “WhatsApp” or e-mail.
4 - Home Services
Some patients cannot go to the pharmacy to get services like injections or measuring glucose level in blood, pressure, and weight, or other services.
5 - Alerts Service
Through an advanced pharmacy management system, it is possible to identify vaccination times for the children of the pharmacy clients, dates of periodic checks, or send offers of medicines or cosmetics.
6 - Significant Marketing Methods
There are some simple marketing methods that can win the trust of customers, including giving them simple gifts with medications and cosmetics that exceed a certain price. Also flyers of the pharmacy that do not only include ads, but also they have medical information.
The Art of Successful
Pharmacy Management
Management is the science and art of managing human resources and energies, defining roles accurately, managing effective communication, organizing, planning, controlling and other matters that guarantee success. In pharmacies, in particular, management is the most prominent factor related to its success, through:
- Get rid of the bureaucracy by doing the procedures and activities that take place in the pharmacy the shortest and easiest way.
- Automation of pharmacy procedures guarantee getting rid of bureaucratic performance.
- Delegating tasks to different management levels ensures success and branching of strategic tasks.
- The distribution of roles with a comprehensive description for the tasks of each role where the task becomes a cadre that any employee can work within the framework of it. So, the role becomes the most important and not the person, so that no gap occurs when he leaves for any reason.
- Using an advanced application specialized for pharmacy performance management.
- Keep introducing services fast and accurately.
- Define sequential steps to sell medications in a specific internal way, such as obtaining a receipt for existing medications and preparations, then paying in the same place and leaving through the pharmacy management program, instead of obtaining the receipt and going to the safe to pay and then return to receive the medications.
Means of Evaluation and Performance Improvement
There are some means and mechanisms that contribute to improving pharmacy performance management, including:
- Quarterly and monthly budgets to monitor financial conditions.
- Evaluate customer satisfaction with services, whether by phone calls or questionnaires.
- Develop a distinct complaints system.
- Quick compensation of missing medications and continuous monitoring of stores.
- Separate pharmacies’ management from warehousing management.
- Maintaining distinguished human resources by following them up, trying to satisfy them and meet their demands.