The future of pharmacy is no longer only related to the efficiency of the service provided as it was in the past.
Rather, there are several factors that have become controlling the future of the profession, including superior customer care, VIP customer services, and the entry of artificial intelligence into the field which will change the face of the entire profession.
Why change is important
for the future of pharmacy?
All pharmacies strive to achieve the greatest satisfaction with their customers, by providing them with the best services.
in addition to creating innovative services or building a unique experience for customers, especially chains of pharmacies that have a distinctive brand.
Customer satisfaction and service with great care is what will shape the future of pharmacy as a profession.
In order to accomplish these tasks, pharmacies choose the best human resources, the latest technology, and the most efficient pharmacy management systems.
Hence, pharmacies are able to achieve their main goal of increasing customer satisfaction, earning their loyalty, boosting sales, and achieving profits.
5 Aspects of Personalized Patient Care
Free Consultations
A specialized team of medical consultants or plastic surgeons can be dedicated to responding to questions and customer inquiries, whether in place or over the phone.
These consultations constitute an important aspect of the future of the pharmacy.
These tips and advices help the elderly to know important details regarding drugs that are often absent from them. Due to poor eyesight and the inability to read medical brochures and other reasons.
In addition, responding to clients regarding alternatives to missing or discontinued drugs.
Using Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence can be used to serve pharmacy patients on social media platforms, using custom robots, which automatically reply to customers and give them lots of information or respond to their frequent inquiries.
The use of artificial intelligence in serving pharmacy customers is a big challenge, because its success will contribute to developing the future of pharmacy and increase customer satisfaction.
Complaints Handling Mechanism
The fundamental difference between pharmacies that determines success and development ratios is in how they deal with complaints.
turning anger and distress into satisfaction and happiness by quickly solving the problem and giving the customer appropriate satisfaction in order to gain his loyalty, because competition in customer-specific care is the bright future of pharmacy.
There are many problems that can cause customer complaints such as the late arrival of the delivery, sending an incomplete request, the delivery of a package that does not have an expiration date, or the delay in responding to calls and increased waiting period.
And other problems that need a quick and appropriate solution Without routine steps or procrastination with clients.
A team should be assigned to listen to customer calls and evaluate customer service representatives and their performance in order to seek to develop and improve the service.
in addition to studying customer proposals that can contribute to the development of work.
Establishing a Training Center
It has become necessary for pharmacies with a strong brand to have employees of the highest level of competence and experience.
which requires continuous training and development to be up to date in the field of medicines and cosmetic products, in addition to the latest methods of customer care.
Not only that, but some pharmacies send some of their employees to international conferences, or advanced training courses in foreign countries.
In order to gain more experiences and knowledge about the future of the pharmacy and transfer it to the rest of the employees.
Customers’ Rewards
Loyal customers are the biggest motivator for the continued success of pharmacies, so creating programs for their rewards will help increase their purchases.
Not only that, but it will make them recommend your pharmacy to new clients in order to repeat their unique experience which is considered unpaid marketing.
Besides symbolic gifts, discounts, and special offers, calls can be made to check on their health or to be congratulated on various occasions such as their birthdays because these customized and innovative customer care services constitute the actual future of the pharmacy.