Pharmacy Management System Control Your Pharmacy with Ease


Control Your Pharmacy management system with Ease

Running a pharmacy and managing its different operations might be a hassle and can get out of control, which affects your revenue and business growth. 

We, at Dawatech, understand the obstacles you face because we are pharmacists ourselves.

That’s why we were motivated to develop a pharmacy management system that helps you revolutionize your sales and give control over your business. Pharmacy management systems is becoming more complicated and needs a high level of organization to stand strong in a fierce market competition.

Hence, we offer Dawatech pharmacy ERP to help you see the bigger picture of your business and seize the room for development. 

What is Dawatech pharmacy management systems?

It is a unified and multi-functional software that allows you to manage your retail pharmacy organizations through one comprehensive ERP system.

No matter what is the size of your pharmaceutical business, Dawatech will help you handle the most complicated situations with more accuracy and transparency.

Advantages of Using Dawatech, the best pharmacy management systems

Accurate Information

In order to create an extensive business strategy, you need to have sufficient and real time information that will help you form a strong planning. 

Our pharmacy management system will help you gather deep data to start make better-informed decisions and cut potential losses.

Reduce Errors

Manual tasks and paper work increase the chances of errors as employees might lose concentration when handling multiple tasks at a time. By digitizing your pharmacy management, you successfully limit these mistakes and shortcomings by giving time to focus on real work, while leaving routine tasks to the system.

All Pharmacy Operations Under Your Fingertip 

With Dawatech, you can maintain all the pharmacy operations and data in one system that you can access whenever and wherever you want with few clicks. 

Stronger Security Standards

Dawatech will help you control who can view, access, or modify the pharmacy’s data which gives you full control over the pharmacy operations.

 Incorporated with encryptions, cloud-based capabilities, electronic storage, our pharmacy management system is ready to keep your business secure and protected from any attempts of theft.

Unlimited Support from Dawatech

Whenever you need assistance regarding Dawatech system, you will find our customer support in your help 24/7. We seek to provide the best and fastest customer care to make pharmacy management easier and hassle-free.

Integrated with Hakeem Program (Electronic Health System)

Integrating Hakeem Program in our system will give you electronic access to all medical records of patients within participating health facilities in Jordan. 

This helps in providing your patients with excellent assistance and building a stronger relationship based on trust.

Dawatech Supports the Following Features:

  • Point of Sales (POS)

  • Digital Inventory

  • Accounting

  • Revenue Management

  • Purchasing

Dawatech is your powerful and easy-to-use pharmacy management system to increase your profitability and protect your business. With its multi-functional features, you can organize and have full control over the pharmacy operations from one comprehensive system.

Start your success story with Dawatech

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